Monday, October 18, 2010

She Has A Name! Or Two... Or Three

Wow!! Thanks SOOO much for all of your awesome name suggestions!
There were so many, chosing a name was difficult!
The girls and I loved all of your creative ideas!!

There were 3 names the girls were head over heals for.... So, we decided she could have
more than one name!

From this day hence she shall be known as.... (drum roll please)
Penelope Wanda Glindora
Congratulations to the Winners:
Cassie from Tiaras and T-Tops for suggesting Penelope
Settee from Misguided Maiden for suggesting Wanda
Sara H for suggesting Wanda
Tami from Tomato and Tordle for suggesting Glindora
I will be sending each of you a dozen Halloween sugar cookies! Watch for them in your mail boxes by the weeks end.

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