I am REALLY excited about this blog post for a couple of reasons.
First this party was just SO much fun to do! Second it's going to be the
best looking post ever because I did not take the pictures! My talented sis in law Alexia did! Check out her

Okay back to the party! So our friend Maggie is turning 4o. Her husband, Grant, wanted to throw a big surprise bash for her. So he called her trusted friend Jeanie (who happens to be my cousin...see where this is going?) to be the brains of the operation. This is a cool hair flingy shot of Jeanie, work it girl!

So we talked and planned it all out... see the plan

CRAZY anal I know... I'm used to that word, it doesn't hurt anymore.
We had another friend of Maggie's DRAG her out of the house for some much needed
girl time. As soon as "the coast was clear" we hurried over and began setting up.

It looks just like our plan!! Pays to be anal.

We got the inspiration for the decor from a

Napkins and forks.

Okay now for the food. All of the recipes will be at the end of this post.

My friend, Liz, taught us how to make spinach dip with fresh spinach. Isn't it beautiful!

Crab dip
Family favorite for as long as I can remember! My mom
makes this every Thanksgiving.

Chicken salad.
This is my favorite chicken salad EVER. It has rice in it, so it's great for feeding a crowd.
This is one of those great mother-in-law recipes!
Jeanie made those adorable food labels, and a lot of the food... but shhh, she doesn't know she did most of the work!

Tomato basil soup shooters with grilled cheese triangles.
My sister in law Laura is an event planner in St George UT.
She is AMAZING. A couple weeks ago she did a blog post all about
mini appe "teasers". Check out her
blog for more fun ideas!

This mocktail is a strawberry sunrise slushy. It came from
a cowboy cookbook we got in South Dakota... yeehaw!
It is SOO good!

Doesn't this picture belong in a magazine? Lexi, you are amazing!

Oreo truffles... no party would be complete without them!
If you haven't tried them
you must live under a rock, go here.
Again, magazine worthy right!?

These are my berry cheesecake (newly named raspberry quarter pounders)
and Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink flavors.
Both recipes can be found
Well, now that everything is ready
we just need our guest of honor to come back home.
Cue jeopardy music, and play it for a while...
With a little nagging interception from a good husband, we FINALLY got her home.

And boy was she surprised!!

She went straight to her honey

For a big ole I-love-you-you're-the-best-husband-ever-smooch!

Then she walked into the party room...

And started

to cry



I think it's fair to say she had no idea!

So there it is, a big 40th bash, for a wonderful friend!
Happy 40th Maggie, WE LOVE YOU!

Time to go home, put up my feet, and veg!
Wait!! I have to make a cake!?!?
Who's brilliant planning was this? Not the anal one...wait, yes it was.
So I stayed up til 4 am making this puppy.... er, cheetah.
Spinach Dip
Follow the directions on the back of the Knorr spinach dip package, EXCEPT
instead of using the box of frozen spinach get a (10 oz) bag of fresh spinach.
Chop it up in a food processor along with a can of water chestnuts. Now add
the rest of the stuff the package says to.
Crab Dip
1 pkg. Cream cheese (8 oz.) softened
1/2. C. Sour Cream
1/4. C. Mayonnaise
1 pckg crab meat
1 C. Seafood Cocktail
2 C. Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1 Green pepper
Mix together cream cheese, sour cream, mayo.
Spread on platter. Spread with cocktail sauce.
Sprinkle with grated cheese, crab and diced bell pepper.
Three Cheese Grilled Triangles
Mix together:
1 (8 oz) package cream cheese
2 t Italian seasonings
Spread on one side of bread, we used Italian bread.
Place 1 slice of cheddar cheese on top of cream cheese spread and slap
on another slice of bread.
Mix together 1/2 c softened butter, 1/4 c grated parmesean cheese and 1/4 tsp garlic salt.
Spread on both sides of sandwich and grill. Cut off crusts and cut ino triangles.
Tomato Basil Soup recipe can be found here.
Chicken Salad
Mix together and marinate overnight or 5-8 hours:
5 C Cooked Cubed Chicken
2 T Oil
2 T Orange juice
2 T Vinegar
1 t Salt
Next day add:
3 C Cooked cooled Rice
1 1/2 C Grapes cut in half
1 1/2 C Chopped Celery
1 can Pineapple tidbits
1- 11 oz can Mandarin Oranges, drained
1/2 C Slivered Almonds
1 1/2 C Mayonnaise
More mayo may need to be added if salad seems too dry.
Sunrise Strawberry Slushy
6 C water
1 lrg box strawberry Jello
1 can orange juice concentrate
1 can pineapple juice concentrate
Juice of 2 lemons (most of the time I use
about 1/2 c lemon juice concentrate)
1 1/2 C sugar
5 pureed bananas
1 20 oz can pineapple, pureed
Boil water, add Jello. Stir until Jello is dissolved. Add remaining ingredients.
Pour into 2-3 gallon size Ziploc bags and freeze for at least 24 hours. Pull out of freezer 2 hours before serving to let it start to thaw. Place contents of 1 Ziploc bag in large mixing bowl and add sprite. Use potato masher to combine and turn slushy. Repeat with other bags of mix. Serve in glasses. We topped each drink with whipped cream and a fresh strawberry.